Q What is the Guiderz MVP Tracker?
The Guiderz Ragnarok Online MVP Tracker is a whole bunch of applications jammed into one action-packed web application to make MVPing incredibly easy for every Ragnarok Online player. The main feature of the Guiderz MVP Tracker is a cloud-based MVP timer system that gives you the ability to share and keep track of MVP spawn times with your friends. When you kill an MVP or find out when it is going to spawn next, instead of writing it down on paper, Excel spreadsheet, entering it into an MVP timer program that only you have access to, or whatever old-fashioned technology you are still using, simply update it in the Guiderz tracker and all of your friends and guild mates using the tracker will see the update in real-time.
Q Can the Guiderz MVP Tracker show me the exact time and location that an MVP is going to spawn at?
No. This is impossible. No program can show you the exact spawn time and location of an MVP. Ragnarok Online servers simply do not make that kind information available. There are Ragnarok Online MVP locator and Ragnarok Online MVP finder programs that claim to be able to show you the exact spawn time and location of any Ragnarok Online MVP and mini-boss, however none of them actually work (most, if not all, of these type of programs are actually viruses). The simple matter is that the Guiderz MVP Tracker, just like any other program, can not show the exact spawn time and location of an MVP for any Ragnarok Online server. What it can do, is it can help you to find, keep track, and share the MVP spawn information you found out on your own.
Q How can I access my MVP Tracker?
If you know the tracker's name, just type http://guiderz.com/tracker/YOUR-TRACKER-NAME into your browser's URL bar (remember to replace 'YOUR-TRACKER-NAME' with your MVP Tracker's name). If you forgot your MVP Tracker's name you can create a new MVP Tracker from the Create an MVP Tracker page.
Q What are the requirements?
All you need to create and use a tracker is your web browser! Make sure you have Javascript enabled, cookies enabled, and the lastest updates for your browser. It is recommended that you use the latest version of either Chrome or Firefox. Using Internet Explorer is not really recommended. The Guiderz MVP Tracker will not work at all in IE 8 or older.
Q I am an owner of a Ragnarok Online private server. How can I get my server added to your list of supported private servers?
Getting your server added to our list is incredibly easy. All you have to do is send us an email at support@guiderz.com with: your private server name, the timezone that your private server uses, a list of all custom MVPs on your private server with the map they spawn on, and the minimum and maximum spawn time range. You will also need to email us any time the information provided changes. We will try to process your request and get your private server added to our list as soon as possible.
Q Can I use the Guiderz MVP Tracker to track bosses from other MMORPGs?
Sure, if you want to. The Guiderz MVP Tracker was designed for use with Ragnarok Online, but really there is no reason it can't be used for timing and coordinating the hunting of bosses in other MMORPGs as well. You will need to manually add all of the bosses you want to track to you tracker. You can do this by using the Manage Custom MVPs page, which you can get to from the Admin Settings page on your tracker.
Q How can I add/modify MVPs, mini-bosses, or other mobs on my tracker?
Only a tracker admin can add or modify MVP, mini-boss, or other mob spawn information. If you are the admin of the tracker, from the main menu go to Admin Settings -> Manage Custom MVPs. On that page you can add and modify custom spawn times for your tracker. If you create a custom MVP with the same name as an MVP already on your tracker, the information for the custom MVP will be used instead of the default information.
Q I found a bug/incorrect information/spelling mistake. How can I report it?
You can send it to us using the Report an Issue form.
Q How can I rename my MVP Tracker?
The only way to rename your MVP Tracker is to make a new one. Your old tracker will still exist with the old name for as long as it is still in use. After 20 days of no activity your old tracker will be automatically deleted.
Q How can I delete an MVP Tracker?
As of right now, there is no way to delete an MVP Tracker. You can just create a new tracker and after 20 days of inactivity your old tracker will be automatically deleted.
Q Some people are having trouble using my MVP Tracker. Things are not working or not displaying properly. What should they do?
Make sure that they have Javascript enabled, cookies enabled, and the lastest updates for their browser. Also, it is recommended that they use the latest version of either Chrome or Firefox. Using Internet Explorer is not really recommended. The Guiderz MVP Tracker will not work at all in IE 8 or older.
Q How can I block certain people from accessing my MVP Tracker?
As of right now, the only way to block people from accessing your MVP Tracker is to change the password to one that they do not know and only give the password to people that you trust.
Q I have an idea for a feature I want added to my MVP Tracker. How can I get it added?
All MVP Trackers have access to the exact same features, and all new features are added to your tracker automatically when they get released. If there is a specific feature you want added that you think will benefit all Ragnarok Online players, you can submit your idea using the Request a New Feature form.
Q A new custom MVP or mini-boss has been added to the server I play on. How can I get it added to my MVP Tracker?
We try to keep up with all of the latest updates to custom MVPs for the private servers we support, but sometimes it does take us a while to update our trackers. If you are an admin for the tracker, you can add them yourself by accessing the Manage Custom MVPs page at the bottom of the Admin Settings page. If you are not an admin for the tracker, you will have to ask the admin (the person who initially created the MVP Tracker you are using) to update it.
Q How can I recover my admin password?
If you are the person who initially created the MVP Tracker and you forgot your admin password, we can't help you. You will need to make a new MVP Tracker, and don't forget your admin password this time!
Q I have a question that is not included in this list. What should I do?
If you have read over this help page and still have any questions, you can email us at support@guiderz.com.